They received my gifts!

When the last delegation of people went over in March I sent a trunk full of goodies for the team and “my” kids. One of the thing I sent was about 20 photo collages I put together of images through the years of each child with their name love Vicki. I have been building relationships and taking pictures of these children since 2000 and have thousands of images.. no kidding…
My two children here have thousands of pictures of themselves too and love to look back remembering fun times, laughing at what they wore and seeing how much they have grown.
A couple a years ago I came up with the idea that I would love to give the children in the orphanage a collection of pictures I’ve taken of them through the years. They have very few if any images of themselves. In past years I have taken photos to give out, but thought it would mean a lot to them if I put together a collage for each.
This has not been an easy task to say the least. First my old IBM computer doesn’t like having thousands of photos on it’s hard drive. I have a separate hard drive to store the majority of images, but have to load them onto my main hard drive when I’m working on projects. My dear dear friend Lois whose husband, Richard who knows all about IBM computers and has been so kind and generous to help me through the years will all kinds of problems. He has put in more and more memory, several new mother boards, several new fans and more trying to keep my old computer going. THANK YOU RICHARD AND LOIS…. YOU GUYS ARE THE VERY BEST!!
Now I’m trying to keep it going until the funds come in for a new MacPro with Adobe and Aperture to handle all the photo work I do. Interlink Resources has used my images of the children and Kazakhstan since my very first trip and will continue will continue to use my talents in that area so the MacPro will be a valuable tool in Kazakhstan.
Until then I am limping along muttering at times to my old computer as it whirls and whines taking it’s sweet time processing the last click of the keys…..
Anyway…. Sara, the head of the Youth Department for Interlink Resources sent me a couple pictures of the children studying their photo collage. She shared how much they loved them.
My heart jumped for joy seeing the images and hearing how much they loved them. It is my great joy to be privileged to have these relationships. I miss “my” sweet children of Kazakhstan… I’m looking forward to seeing them this August and really excited about moving. I’m not particularly fond of cold weather, but the trade off is more than worth the small inconveniences.

What a treasure each one of my friends are.. What a joy to make new friends from all over the world..
Thank you for stopping by a please feel free to drop me an email and let me know how you are doing.

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