My Sweet Sweet Baby Girl is 18 TODAY!!!!

What a gift from God she is.

Sarah (and Marc) are not of my flesh and blood, but of my heart. They are a true gift from God; coming to me through Adoption. Their birth parents showed unselfish love by giving their children the gift of life. I continue to pray for them and give thanks that they chose life.
I am honored and humbled that I had the privilege to love and raise these precious children. Because of them I’ve desired to become a better person and my life has been full of blessings and joys beyond my wildest imagination.
Sarah was soooo small when I brought her home. I never thought she’d even be on the growth chart much less grow to be 5’7 1/2″ tall. The joke in the family is I carried her till she was 10 years old.. It really isn’t a joke… She really just wanted to be carried everywhere.. She was walking by 10 months and climbing out of the crib, but don’t ask her to walk from the car into a store or even from the car to the play ground.. She wanted up.. Now she has enlisted in the NAVY…

Sarah is so full of life, joy, and sometimes mischief… She works hard, laughs long and often, and has a caring, giving heart. She is sweet, beautiful, kind, bubbly, full of energy, diligent, and loving…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET SARAH!!!! Curly Beth – Lady Bug –

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