Last night was Sarah’s Senior Prom….
But lets start this story 4 weeks ago…. Sarah found a dress she just loved from Orient Touch in Sharghai China. There web site said 10 day delivery.. Well I was sceptical about ordering but Sarah LOVED the dress and since she was pay with her money I said Okay… Sarah has several formals since she has done ballroom dancing the last 4 years so she did have a back up plan… Well, this last week everyday Sarah hoped for the package from China. By Saturday she was resigned that she would be wearing her old dress… I’m proud to say she was handling it with grace…
Sarah’s date was coming by to pick her up at 5:30, I wanted pictures of her so by 4:45 she was dressed in a black and white gown and looked beautiful.
At 5:00 pm there was a knock on the door… YES!! the postman was delivering her dress…
The postman got a hug from Sarah amidst much sequels and jumping… (I think he will be afraid to knock on our door again) then the mad dash to change out of the old into the new…
The dress fit her like it was custom made for her.. I mean it was absolutely a perfect fit. By 5:15 she was ready for me to take pictures before her date arrived…
She looked beautiful and was sooooo pleased.
Good Friends, Good Times, Good Memories…….
May you enjoy the blessings and joys given just for today; May your joy bubble over to all those you meet.
Enjoy the pics..