The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev has a new emphasis on learning English and Interlink has been asked by the Oblast (regional) Educational Department to help them find teachers to come for a year starting in September to teach English in the local schools. The encouraging aspect of this is that the government will pay all of the expenses to bring teachers here and give a pretty substantial salary and living allowance.

This is a great opportunity for a grand adventure… The Kazakh people are warm, friendly and hospitable beyond imagination. Young people are so eager to learn English so their possibilities of employment can expand. Learn about their culture, make new friends, and making a difference in the life of someone will be just a few of the many rewards you will find in Kazakhstan. Once you are there you will soon realize that you are receiving far more than you are giving.

Be sure to pass this information on to anyone who may be interested. Don’t let your age or your fear of the unknown stop you from considering this great opportunity..
I would love to have another friend from “my home” once I move.

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