Happy Birthday “BUDDY” !!!

Marc is 20 years old!!!! Time has flown by so fast that it just seems like yesterday I was holding my sweet baby boy in my arms. He still has a smile that can melt your heart.
God has truly blessed me with two wonderful children. They are gifts from God that I am thankful for everyday.
Marc in Kazakhstan 2002
Marc is funny and sweet, is gifted with words and music, he is smart and sensitive and I count it an honor and privilege to be his Mom. I am thankful each day that his birth mother chose life. She made a difficult decision which brought joy unimaginable into my life.
I look forward to seeing what adventures Marc has as he grows and matures realizing his many strengths and talents. My prayer is for him to reach out in love and kindness to all those he meets especially the less fortunate and to enjoy the many blessings and joys given just for today.
Happy Birthday Marc!!! Always know how proud I am to be your mother and how proud I am of who you are…