Family Portrait

Saturday I did a photo shot of a friend of ours.
Since I was going to be taking Alexandra’s pictures Sarah brought some outfits so I could get some pictures of her too. Since I would have an extra person I asked Marc to meet us so I could get a family photo. A dear friend who has a beautiful back garden said we could use her yard for the photo shoot and the girls could change outfits in her house.

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We all had a good time. Almost two hours later we had 350 some photos and the girls were tired of smiling but I was able to capture some great pictures of the each. Alexandra’s mother, Lois came and was able to get a couple really good family pictures of us. This may be out last picture together for awhile. Kind of bitter sweet.. Change in a part of life and I wouldn’t want things to stay the same, but sometimes the unknown can also seem sad when you think about what will be no more…

I’m still excited to be moving forward and am surprised when waves of emotions roll over about what will no longer be…


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