Sarah with her Dad and Step Mother
A group picture. Not the entire group, but a good part of family who came to celebrate with us.
I made it back to North Carolina Sunday and Sarah made it to Great Lake, Illinois Monday evening. Oh, how I miss my sweet baby girl.
Saturday was a sweet time to reconnect with family we haven’t seen in awhile. The middle of us girls, Kami and her family hosted the gathering at their home. My youngest sister and her family drove all the way from Missouri.. It touched my heart deeply that each of my sisters would sacrifice for this special time. Thank you Kami and Emilie.. My mother did all the coordinating and organizing. Thank you Mom.
Sarah’s Dad and Step-Mother came making the time all that more special for Sarah. Thank you Kit and Cindy.
My heart was bursting with so many emotions but the greatest of them was love for my daughter and thankfulness that my life has been so richly blessed by having her (and her brother) in my life. I am most definitely a much better person for having them in my life..
My Mother took Sarah Sunday to the recruiters office since I had to head back to North Carolina before she was suppose to arrive there. Monday, Kit and Marc went down to Ft. Lee to see Sarah off. My heart ached to be there, but it was probably better I wasn’t. I’m not sure I could of not cried sending my “baby” off… Kit said Sarah did well. We are all so proud of her.
Monday evening Sarah called me from Great Lake, Illinois, but I missed the call.. Oh, how my heart ached, but her message said she had arrived, was doing well and would call in two weeks. She sounded so grown up.
I’ve got a major paper due next week in addition to several papers this week on top of other homework. I am enjoying learning , but sometimes am overwhelmed. Some days this old mind is just mush by the end of class.. :o)
Thank you sweet and dear friends for your encouragement. Being away has made my appreciation grow deeper for the people in my life that encourage and support me through the good times and bad.. Thank you..
Kathryn, Grandma & Adell
Marc and Michael
My sister Emilie and her family who drove from Missouri.
Sarah and her Dad having fun!