The last two weeks have been packed full of so many things I have barely had a chance to sit and catch my breath. The amazing things I am learning leaves me overloaded and feeling a little off balanced at times, but still excited about where this path is leading me. In addition to homework everyone is trying to spend time together as we get to know each other on a deeper level. I love talking and getting to know people and am energized by the interaction, but at times struggle to find the balance between getting homework done, spending time to process all I’m learning and socializing these new friends. There is so much fun to be had, but this past weekend I had to lock myself away so I could finish my paper and take some time to process.. Ugh.. Somedays I think I’m too old for all this learning. Other days I’m excited about all the new information. Another example of the contrast and contradictions in my life. Oh, well.
The list of people I count as great treasures in my life just got longer. What an amazing, talented, gifted group of people I have the privilege of getting to know. In the mist of so many transitions I am being blessed with a treasure box full to carry in my heart always.
Today I turn in my research paper. Yeah! I’m so relieved to have this out of the way. We don’t have class tomorrow given us a three day weekend. Hurray!!! Thank you dear Lois for being my Editor on all my papers. I am the worlds worst speller (you have seen many instances of that in my blog, sorry :o( ) and I’m not so good with grammer. How many friends would edit papers after long days juggling work and families. Lois and Richard are such gems with generous hearts and gentle spirits. Next week I start a whole new group of lessons, but I can relax for the weekend and have a little fun with new friends…
Marc & Sarah’s father sent me the pictures he took of Sarah before she left for Great Lakes, Illinois. I’ve heard from Sarah three times but each time she called while I was not near the phone so all I got was her message. My heart was so sad. She sounded so grown up. Oh how I miss my babies, but am happy that they are out building their lives, seeking their dreams.
This weekend is suppose to be beautiful and I’m looking into going horse back riding. The trees are just starting to turn, putting on their fall colors of reds, yellows and oranges. I love this time of year with the crisp morning air and the brilliant colors nature puts on. I’m hoping to get some beautiful pictures of the mountains in all their glory over the next couple weeks.
I’m not a big fan on being cold, but I love pulling out my turtlenecks and sweaters, wool socks and hiking boots. It has been a very dry summer here in North Carolina, but lately we have gotten a lot of rain so I’m hoping for a beautiful display of colors. The dryer the fall the quicker the leaves turn brown, die and fall off, the wetter the fall the more brilliant the display of colors.
A couple of the families and a few of the singles are finish with their training here and will be heading home tomorrow. How sad. We have all grown so close over the last month and I hate to see our time come to an end. When you are dumped together in a single location to live, work, and study there aren’t as many walls kept up so you get to know people a lot faster. Friendships are being forged here that will last lifetimes over many miles. I will deeply miss these sweet friends and their children, but am comforted by the fact that our friendships can continue to grow with a little effort and the help of modern technologies like the internet..
On Sunday a new group of people will join those of us who signed up for the longer training coarse. I am looking forward to seeing who arrives and getting to know them.
I now have an address for Sarah, so if you are interested in dropping her a note of encouragement, please send me an email and I’ll get you her address. When ever anyone is away from home for any length of time I think it touches the heart to hear from dear ones back home, but especially when you are young like Sarah facing the very challenging rigors of boot camp.
Thank you again dear friends. Your encouragement and support helps to carry me through as I walk the path prepared ahead of time for me to walk down. I have been so encouraged to see the many gifts and blessings I am receiving along the way.
You are each a great treasure in my heart.