Happy Thanksgiving Dear Friends!

Mike, Amy, Ben, Amanda, Alex, Pete & Cindy in the kitchen ready for dinner to begin.

Happy Thanksgiving dear friends. I have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for Marc and Sarah who have blessed and enriched my life beyond measure. They have made me want to rise above what I thought I could. They are a most precious gift.

I’m thankful for dear friends. Sometimes I forgot just how blessed I am with friends who have stood with me during great joys and sorrows, who have willingly walked with me when my path grew dark and I fear I would not make it to the light, who have loved me enough to ask those hard questions and keep loving me as truth shone into my heart bringing healing.

I am ever so thankful that I had the opportunity and privilege to travel to Kazakhstan in 2000 and 7 times since. I am thankful for the love I have received from the precious children in the orphanages I have visited. I am even more thankful that I am on this journey which is leading me to living in Kazakhstan full time working with the children who have captured my heart. I have had to give up much, most of my “stuff”, a place to call home, giving away my beloved dog K.C. and cats, saying good bye to my home town and many friends and more. When all that I am sacrificing and giving up is placed on the scales they still don’t begin to off set the great joy that fills my heart as I draw closer to that moment in time when I board the plane and move to Kazakhstan. I am ever so thankful that I have this great privilege and honor to go and serve the people of Kazakhstan and especially the children.

Yesterday I was thankful for the opportunity to spend time with family whom I haven’t seen for awhile. My cousin Amy, her husband Mike and their two kids Alex and Amanda offered for me to ride with them to Staunton, Virginia to spend the day with my Uncle Pete (Amy’s Father), his wife Cindy and my cousin Ben (Amy’s brother). It was a time to reconnect and catch up with family and count my many blessings. I heard from both my two precious children and even though I didn’t get to spend the day with them I was ever so thankful for the people they are and that they are such blessings in my life. I love you Marc and Sarah and am so proud of you each.

Family around the table

Ben and his buddy Abby

Walking downtown Staunton, Virginia after a feast

Alex patiently listening to old folks talk

Listening to family stories

Today I am working on lining up work for the next two months and setting up appointment with people who I hope will want to partner with me in the work to reach the children in the orphanages in Kazakhstan. This is not something I can do alone. It will take a team to reach these precious children touching their hearts and changing lives one child at a time. During these economically hard times it may be difficult to think of others especially when they are half way around the world but I can promise you the rewards of seeing a life changed far out weighs any small sacrifice made.

Thank you each for your encouragement and friendship. You each are such a great blessing to me. I am so thankful for the many joys and blessings I am given each day no matter what storms are raging around me. I choose to accept the joys and blessings given just for today.
Thank you dear friends

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