A Visit with Pam

Sunday I had the privilege of spending time with a dear friend, Pam. We don’t live in the same city so face to face meetings are rare. We went to Cafe Caturra a new locally owned restaurant. They roast their own coffee beans, have fabulously good food with a great comfortable artsy atmosphere. I’ve had coffee and tea there, but this was the first time to try the food and we were both very pleased. It is fun to experience new places, especially when the food is so good. We arrived around 1 and stayed till after 6 and the staff was quite hospitable. If you are even in the Richmond area give them a try.

It was fun to catch up with what is happening in each of our lives. She has a small four legged “child” named Emma and I enjoyed seeing her joy over this small furry companion. It did make me miss KC though. I’m hopeful to have a dog at some point once I get to Kazakhstan. I love the companionship a good dog offers.

It was fun to share about my training and preparations for Kazakhstan. Pam has witnessed the desire, commitment and passion for the children of Kazakhstan grow over the years. Her encouraging words have been a great gift and to hear her say it is evident in all she sees and hears that I am most definitely on the right path touched my heart. I tuck things like that away for those rainy days when the clouds of doubt move in. Then I pull out all these jewels of encouragements. It is amazing how while reviewing them the sun will break through the clouds and a rainbow of promise will appear.

I am excited and feel very honored that I get this privilege. Thank you each one who have played a part through the years helping me grow, mature, and prepare for just an adventure as this. I could have never imagined 10 years ago that this would be where my journey would take me. But here I am…And Oh! What a gift it is..

What a gift each and every person has been along my path. I know I have said this often, but this season of life has me thinking a lot about those folks along the way who have encouraged, inspired, brought joy into my life. Thank you each and everyone.

I finally received in the mail pictures that were taken right before Sarah left. These are the last family portraits I’ll have of the three of us for awhile. Bitter sweet in so many ways. To look and see young adults not babies is still a surprise for me. Oh, how my heart burst with love for these two. A chapter has ended and a new one has begun for all of us. It is exciting and sad all at the same time. Life is always changing. These pictures are a great reminder to me to enjoy this day that has been given to me. Once it is gone there is no going back. Sometimes I set goals and set my sites on that, then forget to enjoy the journey as I’m heading that way. I desire to treasure today not just long for the day I board the plan to head to Kazakhstan. To enjoy today not just long for a place that I will stay more than a week or two. To enjoy today with all the joys and blessings given just for today no matter what storms may be brewing around me. I have a choice. I choose to treasure each moment of the life I have been given. To treasure the day that is before me.
I look at these pictures and see so many images of my sweet children laughing and some of them crying, the joys and heartaches we had along the way. But my heart overflows with gratitude for the years we have had together. How truly blessed I am in so many ways.

My beautiful children

My Family!

Enjoy this day and each day given you. Let those around you know how much you treasure them too.
Each of you are a gift to me.

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