A beautiful Snow Day!

From the table on the back deck snow here in Chesterfield County measured 7 1/2 inches.

Yesterday afternoon it started snowing here in the Richmond area prompting schools to start canceling classes last night for Monday. This morning we all awoke to the beautiful blanket of white on everything. Many in the Richmond area are without electricity and my thoughts go out to them and I pray they all are able to keep warm. Here at Bill and Susan’s the electricity is on and everyone is home enjoying a reprieve form the normal routine of life.

Bill fixed a snow day breakfast consisting of biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon & sausage. Yummy!!! Charlie and Joey had Ryan a friend spend the night so we were all able to enjoy a great breakfast together. Roxy the dog seemed to enjoy the change of routine as much as the rest of us are.

Charlie, Ryan and Joey filling their plates.


The boys ventured out after breakfast to do some sledding down the driveway before heading off to bigger hills in the neighborhood. Youth- when do we loose that excitement over the simples pleasures in life. My desire is to be 99 and still wanting to venture out in the snow..

I decided to do a little more then venture out into the snow and took a couple turns down the hill. Now, I wasn’t very fast, but it was sure fun. My snow boots are in my shed out in Mechanicsville about 45 minutes away… So needless to say I didn’t go get them this morning. My new hiking boots worked really well except the snow was deeper than the tops of the boots. My jeans kept most of the snow outside the boot thankfully. Once the snow soaked through my jeans and long johns I decided I had enough fun for the morning out in the snow and headed back in to the warmth of the house and a hot cup of tea.

When I went to go outside Roxy followed me, but quickly turned around. I thought I had closed the door into the basement garage, but obviously hadn’t closed it tight enough for when I went to go back inside here is where I found Roxy. I guess when your little legs are only about 8 inches high, but your belly hangs down a couple inches – running around in snow isn’t the most fun. She was very grateful for my arrival to open the basement door into the warm house.

What a gift to slow down a little bit and enjoy the beauty of the landscape covered in white. I so often forget to slow down and “smell the roses” “enjoy the beauty all around”, today I get this opportunity and am going to try and savor the moment.

It does make me reminisce about days when my two were young and their excitement of a snow day would penetrate my heart bringing a joy I sometimes forgot. Days like today make me even more aware of how important it is to enjoy present day and not let the desire of some future event capture our total attention. How many days I was worried about past event or future events and gave away sweet blessings and joys that were there just for that very day. I do look forward to the day I land in Kazakhstan and all that next chapter holds for my life, but I want to savor each and every day I have now. I am not promised tomorrow and yesterday is gone. Today I have to enjoy and savor. I desire to look for those joys and blessings given to me just for today. Some days they are harder to find because the of the storm that is raging around. Today there are no major storms, weather has made it so I can’t go anywhere, so I choose to enjoy this pause in time and look for the joys all around.

May you my dear friends focus on the joys of today. Thank you each for your encouragement, support and friendship on this journey.

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