The days are flying by and yet my list of things I need to do isn’t getting any shorter. I am trying to keep my focus on the day and enjoying all the blessings given just for that day and not letting anxiety and worry creep in about what I need to get done before May. I’ve enjoyed visiting and spending time with so many people. I’ve had visited again with the Sweet family and enjoyed catching up with them and their 5 children who are growing like spring flowers. I had dinner with Pam and Emma, lunch with Cynthia, lunch with Bobbie, dinner with my son Marcus and his girl friend Danielle and last week also visited with Carrie DeLille and our friend Kathryn who has adopted two children from Kazakhstan. When she brought her son home 4 1/2 years ago she came back pregnant and delivered a son. The two boys are best buds and are so cute to watch. Again Kathryn has been blessed with another child after brining their daughter home from Kazakhstan and she is having a girl. It was my first time seeing their sweet daughter and my heart burst to see this precious child thriving in a loving home. It is not an easy journey to travel round the world to bring a child home. I am so thankful for people who are willing to trust and do the hard thing to bring a child home. Every child needs a family. There are thousand of children in foster care here that need families and many more around the world who do too. It isn’t always easy to open your heart and home to an older child, but the gift that you give this child is life changing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every child had a family to call their own.
Me reading to 3 of the 4 kids running around this morning at Carrie’s… They just crawled into my lap and asked me to read even though none of these kids knew me. I guess the “white” hair makes them assume I will read to them. What ever it is my heart burst with joy having these precious children crawl into my lap while I read stories.
Brothers and a sister who came together across oceans and miles yet are bound by a mom and a dad…
Me and Michelle 1994 as I was preparing to move to Florida. We thought that was so far.
Me and Michelle 2009 as I prepare to move to Kazakhstan. Oh, how we have “grown”…
Thursday Marc and I went to the Davis family home for an evening of great fellowship. We played games, talked, ate a great meal, and caught up with what is happening in our lives. Michelle and I first meet years ago in Bedford, Virginia when our girls were just babies. Marc, Sarah and Brianna tell people they are cousins since they grew up playing together even when we lived out of state. It is amazing to see how the “rug rats” have grown. What a great treasure to have friends who have been in our lives for so long.
Marc, Michelle, Brianna, Scott and Hunter under a painting of Hunter I did for the family a few years ago. Scott is an hunter. When before Hunter was born he joked that he was going to name the baby “deer slayer”. Brianna was worried that he may do that so came up with the idea of naming the baby “Hunter” and that is how Hunter got his name. Hunter got his first deer this year and was so proud. I’m proud and honored to know this sweet family.
Marc, a girl, Brianna, Sarah, boy around 1992
Back row; Michelle, Me, and my sister Emilie Front row; Brianna, Marc holding Kathrine, Adelle, Sarah
Marc, Brianna, and Sarah about 1992
So many fond memories. I will definitely miss seeing my friends once I move to Kazakhstan, but look forward to the new friends that I will make. The time is moving quickly till I board the plane May 6th. I’m still very excited, but am more aware of what I am leaving behind. I am thankful for the Internet which will help me keep in touch with dear friends. I know I’ll sometimes miss some particular item or convenience but those things are not what makes life, the people in our lives are what gives the true joy to us. Relationships as hard as they can be sometimes, are what bring joy into our lives. If they were easy they wouldn’t be the priceless gift they are. As I prepare to leave I’m trying to make sure I spend time with the people in my life who have added so much. Each relationship adds a thread to the tapestry of my life and I am thankful for each and everyone, even the ones that have brought pain and heartache. Those hard relationships have helped refine off some of those many rough spots in my life and helped me see how sweet other relationships are.
I only need about $300 more in monthly support. Hurray.. It has been absolutely amazing to me the people that have joined me to touch the lives of the children in Kazakhstan. I have been humbled and moved by people who have shared their hearts desire to be part of this even though they can’t physically go. I’ve loved connecting with friends old and new and building those relationships too. Thank you each and everyone who has joined me in moral and financial support. Once I am there I hope you will write me emails that I can share with the children to show them that it isn’t just me who cares for them, but all my friends back home.
May you each have sweet times with the people in your lives that touch your hearts. Be sure to take the time to voice your feelings to those you love around you.
Thank you dear friends