Spring is here and I am in my final count down to leave!

I had the privilege of celebrating Easter in Pennsylvania with my friend Chip. What a glorious day it was. The music in the morning was ever so beautiful, touching my heart and soul. Signs of Spring are around every corner reminding me of the hope I have because of Easter morning. I love Spring because of its reminder of new life, as well as that there are seasons in life. After cold hard winters, Spring does come with new growth and life.

In 23 days I will finally board a plane and begin the journey to Kazakhstan. Definitely a new beginning for me. A whole new chapter in my life. I’m excited yet a little nervous at the same time. I wonder what adventures wait for me over the next months and years in my new home, what new friends I will make, what fond memories will be created, as well as who it will be that I will miss from home.

My bags are almost fully packed. I’m needing to narrow down what I’ll be able to take as I leave. I’m saying my farewells and savoring times spent with friends.

Each day I’m grateful for the people who want to join with me to touch the hearts of the people of Kazakhstan. Only $165 a month more is needed for monthly expenses. That is less than 2 people at $100 a month, 4 at $50 or 8 at $25. I’ve been so amazed at how things are falling into place, leaving no doubt this is the call on my life. Thanks everyone who is partnering with me.

While here in PA, I’m enjoying the beautiful landscape but also meeting and sharing with people about the love in my heart for the Kazakh people, especially the children.

Monday night I had the great joy of being added to Chip’s invitation to the lovely home of Johnny and Jeannie for dinner. They have lived in Sweden and traveled the world extensively, so it was fun to hear some of their adventures. They had invited two other couples to round out the table. John and Kathy met while teaching in France “a few” years ago. She is Canadian and works with children here and he is an American and a great musician who shared fun stories. Dave is an American. His lovely wife, Ellie, is from Holland – both have a genuine love for people. Chip who has also traveled extensively added her share to the great tales from around the world. So much fun.

As I sat listening to the conversation, I thought of how I will miss the things that are familiar throughout our country – whether in Texas, where I was visiting Nate in February, or where I am now in Pennsylvania, or at home in Richmond. Listening to the conversations around the dinner table last night increased my desire to learn the Kazakh language so I will be able to enjoy meals with Kazakh friends who gather to share meals once I am in Kazakhstan. I also want to be able to speak to the children and hear and understand from their lips their hopes and dreams, heartaches and fears. I’m trusting my motivation remains high to learn the language even when I’ll be faced with all the newness of life that comes in a new culture.

The clock is ticking and days are quickly going by, as I prepare for the future and at the same time savor the moment I am in. Thank you dear friends for joining me in this adventure.


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