Beauty to Behold Around Every Curve

Tuesday I went with Beth south to Shimkent, Kazakhstan. Beth told me the drive had some amazing sights and this is the best time of year to see them. I can honestly say, however, I was not prepared for the beauty I saw around every curve. Each sight was more spectacular than the last. I was humbled and amazed by the glory laid out before my eyes.

I don’t think I need to add any words to this post. The images say it all. I’ll do another post with images of people I saw on the drive. They are just as beautiful. You can see all of the images by clicking on the family album link to the right. The first two albums “Drive to Shimkent” and “Drive back to Taraz” have all the images.

This week I’ve had some trouble with my asthma. I was actually feeling horrible on the drive down to Shimkent, but the beauty of the landscape filled my heart with such joy, even though I was not feeling well and was not able to breath as well as I’d have liked. Nothing could dampen the joy of seeing the beauty spread all around me. What a gift to be given. I am so thankful for the many gifts I am given on a daily basis. No matter what storms may be raging in my life there are always precious gifts given each day. Some are large like the majestic scenes I had the privilege to see. Sometimes the gifts are small- like a wave from the Kazakh people as I drove by with half my body hanging out the car window trying to capture everything I saw: blue sky, red poppies, little donkeys pulling oversize carts. So many precious gifts given each day! I don’t want to miss any of them.

Among the many gifts I have been given are the dear friends and family who have joined me in this next chapter of my life. I treasure each note and each encouraging word. Thank you, dear friends and family. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for encouraging me, laughing with me, crying with me at times, caring for me when I am sick or discouraged, and for just enjoying the beauty laid out before our eyes. I so much miss my family and friends and especially my children. It helps to hear from you all, but I’m beginning to make new friends here which also fills my heart with joy – and the children, oh the children! My heart is bursting with love for them. I’m learning their names and learning the Kazakh alphabet and beginning to get some words, too.

Love you and thank you for joining with me on this journey. I hope you enjoy the images as much as I enjoyed capturing them. They do not by any means capture the full effect, but you can get a glimps and imagine.


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