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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARC!!!!! Celebrating 21 years!!
I can’t believe how fast the last 21 years have flown by. It seems like yesterday when I first held you in my arms. Oh how I loved you then. I could never have imagined then how much that love would grow. I am so proud of you and all you have done. Life hasn’t always been easy and I know your heart has been hurt by things I have done, as well as life in general. Even though my heart aches for your pain, I know all will eventually be redeemed. May Papa continue to bless you and keep you safe, dear son.
As much as I know it is the call on my life to be here in Kazakhstan, I can tell you it is hard today to be so far away from you. I wish I was there to celebrate this special day with you. I am ever so thankful for who you are and all you have added to my life. It is because of you and your sister that I wanted to be a better person. I have been humbled and honored to be your mother. Each day I count you as one of my greatest treasures I’ve been given in life.
The gift of music you have been given has been with you since you were born. I remember giving you your first real drum when you were in 4th grade, but you were banging on everything and anything from the moment you could grasp something in your hand. You began speaking at a very early age and rhyming words came naturally to you. You are truly gifted and a poet in the way you convey your thoughts through your words and music. I miss hearing you working on your rhythms, hearing your beats and your practicing your newest song. You have been given a gift my son. Give it back as worship and you will go places you never imagined.
I’m not there to throw you a big BBQ cook-out, or have a special family dinner, but in my heart I am celebrating the life you have had and the chapters that have yet to be written. This isn’t the first birthday I’ve missed being in Kazakhstan. Several of my trips in the past have been in June and I’ve missed those birthdays, too. This birthday is different because I know it will be longer before I see you in person and this birthday is one of life’s milestones. This time marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. When you were 13 we had a big cook-out with family and friends and marked the beginning of leaving childhood. Words were spoken about your future and blessings were given by those who attended. Know, my son, that you are loved and treasured, not only by me but by many others, as well as our Heavenly Father.
While you celebrate this day, I hope you will know you were given as a gift and that you will reflect upon and count your many blessings. Even thought there have been hard things in your life, you have been richly blessed with so much. I love you, my son, and celebrate with you and for you. I may be far away but I hold you in my heart and know someone bigger than me loves you even more and holds you in the palm of HIS hand. Seek HIM first and all the rest of your life will fall into place.
I love you, my son, and am proud of you, and am honored to be your mother. I love you as high as the sky, as deep as the ocean, forever and always, no matter what – even from half way round the world.