Exciting News and a way you can help launch us to Kazakhstan!

I can’t believe how quickly the days are passing.  I am also amazed some days at the amount of work yet to be done for the J127 Ranch vision to become a reality.I am pleased to announce with, much thanks to the dedicated work from Kim Floyde at Aspenglow Services and Cindy LaJoy the J127 Ranch websiteis live.  Be sure to visit!Beth and I are humbled and thankful for all those who are stepping forward to be part of J127 Ranch.   The Ranch will not be just a place for orphan children to live, but also a place where we Engage in one another’s lives, be Enriched by the fellowship and community and be Empowered to be who we each were created to be.  

One couple has step forward and offered a generous Matching Grant of $5000.00 each for Beth and me toward the $14,000.00 we each need to apply for permanent residency.  We are amazed and humbled by their hearts to care for the orphans in this world.

There are several reasons why permanent residency is so important.  One of the major obstacles of staying long term in Kazakhstan is the visa requirements.  With permanent residency we will not be constantly struggling to renew our visas.

The other advantage permanent residency offers us is the ability to purchase and own property.   That’s what makes this generous donation such a big deal.

Many of you have expressed a desire to help.  So for those who feel called to be part of this vision, here is a great opportunity to jump start the J127 Ranch!  You can help by being part of doubling this $10,000.00 grant and making it $20,000 towards the $28,000.00 we need for permanent residency.

J127 Ranch is a Department of A.C.T. Intl a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

When you donate towards this Matching Grant,  make sure to add a note that your donation is for the J127 Ranch – Beth & Victoria’s Permanent Residency

Mail a check or money order directly or use your Bank Online Bill Pay system.  Checks should be payable to   J127 Ranch / A.C.T. Intl and should include your name and address in order to receive a receipt. 

Send To: A.C.T. Intl
PO Box 1966
Brentwood, TN  37024-1966

Donate Online using your credit card by going to www.J127Ranch.org.  This website is linked to a PayPal account and a 2.9% processing fee will be deducted from the donation.  You will receive a receipt from ChipIn, Paypal and a tax-deductible receipt will also be provided by A.C.T. Intl. 

We are excited to see how all the ranch hands and wranglers are being brought together from so many different parts.  

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
Victoria for the J127 Ranch Team










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