Part 2 Limited Choices and a desire for home

There is a girl who had to leave Savva Orphanage several years ago because she had reached the maximum age allowed there.  She was 15 years old.   She was then moved to a local technical school to study a trade.  These schools are over crowded, understaffed and not safe places for the children.  The orphanages are trying to track down families to take children back.   Some families gave up their children as enfants because a doctor told them it was best for the child and them due to a malformation of the child.  I some cases these children didn’t die and later the families were told the child lived and then were given the child back.  This after the child was 8, 9 or 10 years old and spent those formative years in an institute.  Families, single parents, or relatives who had their children removed due to abuse and neglect are asked to take children back or sign off legally as their parents.  All in all a very difficult situation.

Shortly before “Anne” (not her real name) “aged” out of the orphanage her grandmother was found in Russia.   The grandmother came and visited “Anne” and even took her for a visit.  “Anne” is a very beautiful girl of Gypsy descent was scared and reported when she returned from the short visit that she did not want to go with this grandmother. The grandmother made no secret that she thought she could make money with “Anne” and planned to take her back to Russia with her.  By the time it finally came for her to leave she was 17 years old and living at the technical school.  I and 2 Kazakh women were spending time with her and talking through her options.  The technical school is paid by the government per child.  With a family willing to take this child they would receive no more funding for her which then made it impossible for her to stay.  There was no other place for her to go at that time.  Some national friends and I gave Anne a card with our numbers on it before she left and told her not to forget that we would be here if she needed help after age 18. (Until that age, legally we could do nothing.)  It was an awful feeling for all of us when we could offer so little to a young woman of 17 who didn’t want to go into an unknown future in Russia.

Good news is recently she showed up and asked for help from one of the women listed on the card.  “Anne” had been married off to an older man who was unkind.  This man and his family abused Anne, stole her documents so they could get a loan, and treated her in a demoralizing way.  Currently, she has a place to stay at the Youth House here in town and someone bought her some new clothing. We also learned that she may be pregnant, which means she will be choosing between aborting her child in order to stay where she is or she will have to leave.  Of course, we desire for her not to end her baby’s life  We are looking for a house to rent so we then could offer her a place to live.   Her spirits are low and she is struggling emotionally.  The Youth House has more than 80 children crowded into a very small space.

I am happy to know she is back, but my heart breaks for the trauma she endured these last couple of years on top of what she faced growing up in an orphanage.  Can you imagine how difficult it is for her to trust?  How difficult it is to believe there are people who truly care about what is best for her?  People who desire to help her to grow into the capable young woman she was created to be.

Another young woman – 18 years old – has been calling us since we saw her several weeks ago and gave her our telephone numbers.  She lives at the Youth House but has no job and doesn’t study at any school.  Her days are filled with nothing to do and no safe place to go.  She is scared and doesn’t know what to do.  We were able to sit and talk with her last Sunday.  Through tears she said, “I have good news. I am getting married Dec. 14th.”  I was confused and asked why this was good news, how she knew this man, and whether this was what she really wanted.   Since she was crying and seemed in great distress, it was obvious she wasn’t truly happy about this plan.  It wasn’t clear how she met the man but he lives and works in Almaty and is 30 years old.  “Mary” (not her real name) has mild cerebral palsy and limited education.  Because of her mild cerebral palsy, when she came to the orphanage at age 3 she was labeled mentally deficient. Recently, the director and vice director at the Youth House advised her she could either marry or be moved to the home for invalids.  She is terrified of going to the invalid home and with good reason. The choice to marry this man in Almaty is a way to escape that home.

My heart broke as tears streamed down her face while she tried to share the details and answer questions. I shared with her why Beth and I had come back to Kazakhstan and that we would let her come live with us once we found a place to rent.   I asked her to be patient and trust us.  On the phone several times before we could sit and talk she has asked to come live with us.  I explained we didn’t have a house yet but expected to have one soon. I asked when she needed to be out of the Youth House.  This all seemed too overwhelming for her.  She said she had already told the orphanage administrators that she would marry so she must do that.  I asked her to give me some time to find a place and to find out from some locals what could be done to help her out of this situation.


We were able to bring another friend into this conversation but I could see this young woman – a child really – was trying to figure out if she could trust any of us.  I could tell she wanted to trust us but her life experience had shown her no one was trustworthy.  There were two nationals there plus Beth and me, but she still didn’t know whether she could trust any of us or who she could trust in her life.


She knows she does not want to move into the invalid home but believing that there might be a good option and holding onto such a hope is a foreign concept when all you’ve experienced has taught you there is no hope. Hope is such a fragile commodity.  How does hope grown in a barren heart?  How do you give hope to someone who doesn’t know how to trust?  Someone who has never experienced stability or security or bonded with anyone who could be trusted to care for the simplest of human needs?

I’m thankful to be here as much as my heart aches for these precious children I know.  I’m thankful Beth is here with me and together we are meeting others who share our desire to care for these precious children.  That desire to give them a safe place where their hearts and souls can be nurtured and begin to heal.


I have heard so many times through the years from these orphans: “Do not forget me!” “Do not forget my name, my story, my face!”  The desire to be known and to have someone in our lives that is willing to go out of his or her way for you is in each of our hearts.  Babies long for their mothers to look into their eyes, to comfort them, to feed them and care for them, to be there with them.  When this doesn’t happen in a child’s life, the hole that is left grows deeper and wider with each passing year.  These children cannot become a successful part of society without people who are willing to invest in their lives. They each need people willing to take the time to build lasting relationships with them.  People who will teach and model family for them.  To love and care for them so they can begin to heal and overcome their past hurts and then begin building a positive future for themselves.


Thank you each for joining with us in this journey.  We are thankful to see how the community of those committed to care for these children is growing.


Grace and peace be yours in abundance

Victoria for J127 Ranch

Limited choices and a desire for home…. Part 1

Beth and I were visiting with a friend last week.  This friend has her own successful business and over the years she has hired several orphan girls to work.  This hasn’t always been an easy thing for her.  Often, the girls she has hired haven’t been model employees and haven’t received her guidance in a positive way.   She shared with us, “I don’t understand these orphan children sometimes.  They talk like “aggressive dogs” to me on the phone”.  She tries to understand but she can’t. They report to her that their way of doing things is normal when she tries to share a better way of speaking to adults.  They want to be paid, but don’t want to work.


Currently only one remains in her employment.  This young woman is in her early 20’s now.  Even though she has worked there for a number of years she still has an “orphan mentality” and behaviors.  She is so beautiful and has a sweet smile when she greets Americans or those she thinks will give her things.   Unfortunately, growing up in an orphanage has taught her how to be manipulative. and this is a skill she uses well.  Any time she sees an American, she turns on her smile.  Through the years she has used her “poor me I’m an orphan” situation to get many things.   On the outside this may seem normal or acceptable behavior.  She is an orphan after all.  She has many needs.  The thing is, she has received so much for “free” without having to do anything except share her “pitiful me” story she has mastered the manipulative behavior but not grown emotionally or mentally.  There is much need in her life but the material items she has gained don’t fill the hole in her heart.  Where she lives she is known for being selfish, mean, grumpy, and boastful of what the Americans have given her.  Yet, she doesn’t take care of what she has, and is never satisfied with the quality or quantity.  She hasn’t learned the value of honesty, working hard, nor the satisfaction that comes from a job well done or accomplishing a task set before her.  She has yet to learn the value of what she can do to improve her circumstance by her choices and hard work.  During the depression in America, many people raised themselves up out of deplorable situations because of their hard work and willingness to persevere through the long haul.  Athletes don’t gain medals or improve performance without much diligence and hard work.  Working hard is a gift we are given to help us grow.

Our friend told us about this young woman’s desire to marry a 35-year-old man.  All girls long  to grow up and get married.  It seems like girls around the world desire to have “Prince Charming” come and rescue them.  However, the Hollywood versions have done women around the world a disservice.  Girls need to grow into capable women willing to work and find a husband who will be a partner to them, not a rescuer.   This young woman so desperately wants a safe place to call home.  Living at the Youth House where she currently lives is a rough and many children run away trying to seek safer lodging.  It is housing double the children it was designed for.  Both young men and young woman with only a few staff to oversee them all.   Because these children lack wisdom and the ability to make wise choices they most often end up in much worse places than where they started.  Knowing who to trust and whom to believe has your best interest at heart is almost impossible when you have never bonded with anyone in your life.


Our friend met with her and this man she wants to marry to try to understand the situation.  This man, who studied in Russia, says he’d like her to move in with him and his parents.   He expressed to our friend that he eventually would marry her but not until later.   Our friend was very concerned.  This is not a normal or good situation.  She expressed her concerns but was told it really wasn’t any of her business.  This man has told the young woman not to listen to our friend.  There are other nationals trying to speak into this girl’s life.   But this man is telling her no one else really cares for her like he does.  He is isolating her – which is a huge warning sign.   Unfortunately many people take advantage of orphan children.  An orphan who is older now expressed she didn’t want anyone to know she had grown up in the orphanage and is an orphan.  She lies to friends telling them she has parents.  She said if anyone – even her friends – found out she was an orphan she would be in danger because “Everyone knows orphans have no one to care for them and look after them!”


One of the problems with only seeing a child as they are growing once a month or every other week or so is the lack of true relationship built over time.  These orphan children do not know whom to trust and whose advice they should listen to.  Their desire for a warm safe place isn’t on a foundation of real wisdom and knowledge of what that truly entails.

Like those we allow to speak into our lives, these children need people willing to spend the time to build long-term relationships.


The urgency to find a house so we can open our doors is our highest priority at this point.  That will be the easy task in comparison to building positive relationships with these children that are so broken in heart and spirit.  Much time and energy will be needed in order to model and help them grow and mature into the young women they were born to be.



Thank you for joining with us in this.  The next story will be about a young woman who was taken to Russia by a grandmother who claimed her after many years of growing up in the orphanage.  The grandmother was very open that this now 17-year-old girl could make her some money.


Please don’t let your hearts become hardened to these heartbreaking stories.

“We learn that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.  They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.  It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms.  But once you do, everything changes.”   David Platt


Be thankful this Thanksgiving for all the many blessings you and your family have.

I am so thankful the Epic Journey of my life has brought me here to Kazakhstan.  I’m thankful my heart breaks for those who have no one.  I’m thankful for my two precious “grown” children – Marc & Sarah” back in Virginia.  I’m thankful for my family and friends who join me with encouragement and support as a community of folks committed to ENGAGE with each other and the children here in ways that ENRICH each of our lives in was that EMPOWER us each to be who we were uniquely created to be.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance!

Victoria for J127 Ranch

Life in Kazakhstan is a road less traveled full of curves an obstacles!

Beth and I have been in Kazakhstan more than a month now and I still find myself wondering if I’m going to awake from a dream at any moment.

When we boarded the plane in Richmond on Oct. 2, 2012 it was with many emotions — excitement to be heading back to the land and people who have captured our hearts, and a bit of anxiety about launching such an enormous project.  But we were off.

Thankfully, we made all of our connections in the U.S and in Turkey and after a two-day journey, we concluded an uneventful trip even making it through customs in Almaty without even a second glance our way as we walked out the main gates with all six of our trunks.

Part of the decision-making on when to head back to Kazakhstan related to the wedding of a dear friend.  The wedding of Zarina and Damire on Oct 8th was beautiful.  It was a great joy and privilege to be able to share in their celebration last month and capture the special occasion digitally.

This time in Taraz we don’t have the benefits of a large, established organization.  That means no car, no support staff and no house with western conveniences.  But it has been great to see the support we do have and to learn to live daily life-like a typical Kazakh.  We are averaging 5 to 7 miles of walking each day as we go to and from our daily tasks. This is good exercise, but more importantly, it has helped us build relationships.  There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t run into someone we know during our walk.  It is touching to see the reactions of people as they realize we, as Americans, are walking and taking public transportation.  They also are getting some good laughs at our many misadventures as we try to learn our way around the city via bus.  Thankfully, complete strangers have shown us much kindness.  On a couple of occasions we have been totally surprised to find an English speaker in the most unusual places.

We thought we had found a house to rent but the family later changed its mind.  We aren’t worried about this and trust the exact house we are to use will become available at precisely the right time.  We have several Kazakhs helping us with this and are grateful for their help.

Arranging our visas has been its own adventure.  Our original visa was for 30 days.  One friend of ours who has an English language school was trying to invite us for another 60-day visa. As part of that, we would have volunteered at her school but a glitch in the law prevented that option.

Another friend that Beth and I have known since 2000 is very excited about J127 Ranch.  She was the director of Ulan Orphanage for many years before moving to the Youth House as its director. She has many great connections and a real heart for the children. She knows their histories and heartaches.  When she heard we were having trouble getting our next visa she offered to invite us on a 60-day personal visa.  This application was submitted.  Since there was going to be a two-week gap between the two visas, we decided to head to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to get a 30-day tourist visa and then we will switch it to the 60-day personal invitation visa when the tourist visa expires.

There is a bus that goes from Taraz to Bishkek.  A new law allows Americans to enter Kyrgyzstan without a visa but we weren’t sure the border crossing we would be using would accept us into Kyrgyzstan or would we need to fly into the country.  We took off on the afternoon bus for another of our many adventures on buses in Kazakhstan.  It was an older 15-passenger van (including the driver) with two seats on one side of the van, an isle and a single seat on the other side.  The passenger seat tilted forward for passengers to enter the back of the van.  The aisle had what looked like trim bundled and piled in it, making walking a bit difficult.  Beth and I were among the last people to get into the van and so we stumbled our way to the back of it.  The seats were each elevated a bit as you moved toward the back, kind of like theater seats.  This made for good viewing out the front window.  Driving here in Kazakhstan is unlike anything you would experience in the states.  Passing a vehicle in front of you can be done even if multiple vehicles are come towards you.  Add into the mix herds of sheep, cattle and horses, horse and donkey powered carts, pedestrians walking and it is like a video game gone bad or an action packed movie with one of those crazy car chase scenes except this is real.  Beth said “All I need is pop corn and a soda an it would be like sitting in a movie theater!”  There is nothing to be done but sit back and enjoy the ride trusting the drivers and God.  We knew the general plan but most of the details we weren’t sure of so off we went into the unknown.

John and Julie Wright who work in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan doing great work caring for orphans and widows had agreed to host us during our time in Kyrgyzstan for which we were grateful.

When we got to the border crossing, everyone exited the bus, taking their packages and personal belongings with them.  Upon entering the passport control Beth called John to let him know where we were.  (Our phone would not work once we crossed into Kyrgyzstan.)  Due to poor reception, Beth had to talk louder than normal, making everyone in the building aware that we were foreigners and Americans at that.  We could hear the guards say something about the tourists.  We hadn’t wanted to be in the back of all the other people on our bus but that is what ended up happening.  We weren’t sure if the bus would wait for us even though we had paid for the whole trip.  When it was my turn to present my passport I was pleasantly surprised by an English-speaking Kazakh.  He was very pleasant and within a few minutes we both had passed through Kazakhstan’s side of the border.  We exited a door and then went to a window on the Kyrgyzstan side.  Again, we were surprised to hear a Kyrgyz saying, “Good Evening,” in perfect English.  And as easy as that we were across the border with all of our required stamps.  Then, we were off to find our bus.

It was dark by then and there were lots of people, cars, buses, trucks, and taxi drivers offering a ride on the left side of the path and vendors selling various things lining the right side.  I needed a bathroom and something to drink since, by then, it was past   7 p.m. and we had left our house at 3 p.m to begin our travels.  Wondering if we had missed the bus, we wandered down the path a bit.  One of the other women on the van saw us looking lost and spoke to us, thankfully.  She then pointed down a side alley where we spied a sign for toilet.  Beth graciously let me go first and as I headed down this alley way a small boy on a bike greeted me, talking a mile a minute oblivious to the fact I had no clue what he was saying.  He rode his bike in circles around me as I walked.  In Kazakhstan it is common to pay a small price to use a toilet.  This includes a bit of toilet paper that you pick up when you pay.  I paid my money to use the toilet to a young girl and, at this young boy’s insistence, I followed him down a path past some parked cars, a very large dog on a very large chain, then down a narrow path around a faucet and trough of water that had spilled over making the path very muddy,  Through some trees then a turn to the right to what was obviously an area being renovated.  The young boy showed me which bathroom was for women and explained – in detail – not to step on the wet cement but to walk on the board.  Even though I didn’t understand a word of his language I knew what he was saying and from the small footprint already in the cement, it looked like my young friend had already learned from experience what happens when you step in wet cement.

While I was traveling to the “restroom” – in reality, a fancy outhouse – Beth chatted with one of the three other women on the bus.  When I got back, Beth took off about the time the two other women showed up.  They were also traveling to Tokmok so we decided we would get a taxi together for the journey between Bishkek and Tokmok – about an hour’s drive.  It turned out these two women were Dungan.  It was a great blessing to have them join us as we negotiated the city of Bishkek and secured a taxi.  The ride was uneventful but my heart sighed in relief as we pulled up to the “bus station” to see John Wright sitting on the back of his car with the hatch open (he had told us he would do this to help us find him in the dark).

Our time in Bishkek was above and beyond any expectation I could have had.  John and Julie and their two grown daughters welcomed us with open arms.  We were able to participate with two different delegations from Canada, see a small bit of the great work being done there and gleaned a bit of their wisdom in the process.  Be sure to check out their website to see the great work they are doing –

Beth outside apartment being renovated for a single mom and her two children. These were children outside who were curious about all the activity.







This is the daughter of the mom who was getting all the assistance. She was such a sweet shy girl trying to take in all the kindness being shown her family after many years of great hardships.
Children around the world like to play games. Hokie Pokie is one that is always popular as well as an old camp song with hand motions “I’m a little piece of tin” and good old fashion game of tag.
Isalu and her friend outside the apartment where the renovations were going on. These children were so curious about all the foreigners at their apartment complex.









Check out more pictures of our time in Kyrgyzstan on!

Beth and Helen (from Canada) with the mom and her two children where the team was working to renovate her apartment.



Dinner with the Canadian team at John and Julie’s apartment in Tokmok



Red River Orphanage kids got treated to a movie “Wreck-it Ralph”. This is Beth, John & Julie along with Tilik and Emir. Emir has been trapped for 4 years as governments have delayed. His family has paid twice to complete his adoption and still he sits in an orphanage.

I could go on and on sharing about the many different happenings here in Central Asia.  The central theme is the children.  Life is hard for the average person and family.   Without the stable foundation of a family to help the children navigate life, the ones without stable families or any family at all have little hope.

The mountains before us on the great adventure that is J127 Ranch are high and the path before us is full of unknowns.  It is not for the faint of heart.  Perseverance, patience and persistence are what we need to continue forward.  My heart aches for the children.  When we were visiting Ulan Orphanage this past Friday, the staff had just found out the orphanage would close December 1.  Some of the children will transfer to Saramoldaeva Orphanage.  There are so many unknowns.  One worker at Ulan said 10 caregivers will keep their jobs and move to Saramoldaeva but another worker said only three were transferring.  A few workers we spoke with said they didn’t know what would happen or that they weren’t transferring.  It was obvious the director had been crying and we saw tears on several other staff members’ faces.  What a sad day for them. But then I looked at all of the children.  Their already unstable lives were being turned upside down once again.

Saule didn’t know I had come till she entered the room. When she saw me she ran and jumped into my arms squeezing for all she was worth.

There isn’t one comfort I’ve left or one discomfort I now live with that I wouldn’t endure to keep moving forward – to keep persevering and patiently hoping and believing a door will open so J127 Ranch can open doors for these precious children.

Thank you all who have joined the community of people who are committed to ENGAGE with one another and the children in ways that ENRICH each of our lives so we are all EMPOWERED to be who we were uniquely created to be.

Trying on a new sweater I brought for her.

Exciting News and a way you can help launch us to Kazakhstan!

I can’t believe how quickly the days are passing.  I am also amazed some days at the amount of work yet to be done for the J127 Ranch vision to become a reality.I am pleased to announce with, much thanks to the dedicated work from Kim Floyde at Aspenglow Services and Cindy LaJoy the J127 Ranch websiteis live.  Be sure to visit!Beth and I are humbled and thankful for all those who are stepping forward to be part of J127 Ranch.   The Ranch will not be just a place for orphan children to live, but also a place where we Engage in one another’s lives, be Enriched by the fellowship and community and be Empowered to be who we each were created to be.  

One couple has step forward and offered a generous Matching Grant of $5000.00 each for Beth and me toward the $14,000.00 we each need to apply for permanent residency.  We are amazed and humbled by their hearts to care for the orphans in this world.

There are several reasons why permanent residency is so important.  One of the major obstacles of staying long term in Kazakhstan is the visa requirements.  With permanent residency we will not be constantly struggling to renew our visas.

The other advantage permanent residency offers us is the ability to purchase and own property.   That’s what makes this generous donation such a big deal.

Many of you have expressed a desire to help.  So for those who feel called to be part of this vision, here is a great opportunity to jump start the J127 Ranch!  You can help by being part of doubling this $10,000.00 grant and making it $20,000 towards the $28,000.00 we need for permanent residency.

J127 Ranch is a Department of A.C.T. Intl a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

When you donate towards this Matching Grant,  make sure to add a note that your donation is for the J127 Ranch – Beth & Victoria’s Permanent Residency

Mail a check or money order directly or use your Bank Online Bill Pay system.  Checks should be payable to   J127 Ranch / A.C.T. Intl and should include your name and address in order to receive a receipt. 

Send To: A.C.T. Intl
PO Box 1966
Brentwood, TN  37024-1966

Donate Online using your credit card by going to  This website is linked to a PayPal account and a 2.9% processing fee will be deducted from the donation.  You will receive a receipt from ChipIn, Paypal and a tax-deductible receipt will also be provided by A.C.T. Intl. 

We are excited to see how all the ranch hands and wranglers are being brought together from so many different parts.  

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
Victoria for the J127 Ranch Team










Kazapalooza – “Kazakh Party”

Kazapalooza (“Kazakh Party”)!  Palooza means “party!

This past weekend Beth Turnock and I had the honor and privilege to be part of a great annual event held this year at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio.  It was a gathering of over a hundred families who have adopted at least once from Kazakhstan.  Many of the families have made the trip to Kazakhstan several times in order to complete their family.  Adopting from Kazakhstan is a long drawn out process and a testimony to the dedication these parents have for their children. It was a delight to see children glowing and thriving in their adoptive families. 

The women bringing Kazapalooza together are adoptive mothers themselves.  (Gretchen, from TN, mom of 3, Muriel, from IL, Mom of 2, Lori, from Ohio, Mom of 6, Kristan, from FL, Mom of 3, Karen, from KY, Mom of 1, Michelle, from WI, Mom of 2)  They dedicated hundreds of volunteer hours organizing and preparing for this event.   It was fabulous!!  (to see more pictures from this event

The experience of traveling half way around the world to bring home their precious children united them with a common experience.  Their desire for their children to feel a connection to their birth families and to their birth country, as well as to see other children just like themselves, is the driving force for this event. 

Friday night was a family cook-out with games for the children.  A pie eating contest topped off the evening.  My heart loved seeing all these precious children running around having so much fun.  I kept looking into their faces wondering if any had siblings I knew back in Taraz.  As much as my heart loved seeing these happy children, it also ached for all those children left behind.   Their futures do not look as bright as these at Kazapalooza.   Those left behind have no one to advocate for them when they struggle in school.   They have no one to comfort them when they are hurt or to hold them in their arms when they are overwhelmed with life. 

 A luncheon and raffle was held Saturday.   The families not only wanted to celebrate and enjoy one another, they also desired to give back to those children left behind.   Each year the event planning committee chooses a non-profit working with orphans in Kazakhstan to donate funds raised during this event.   This year Ark Village, a wonderful private orphanage outside Almaty run by an Italian man, was chosen. Papa Guido has been running Ark Village for 12 years.   Each family brought an item to be raffled off.   There were some wonderful gifts which raised monies for Ark Village. 

What amazed me is that these families not only adopted their child but are staying actively involved and giving back to children that remain in the orphanage system in Kazakhstan.   These adoptive parents’ hearts have been touched and transformed. 

I heard many stories of treasured memories the families have.   Their desire is to expose their children to the rich heritage of Kazakhstan.  Many talked of wanting to return with their children when they are older so they can see Kazakhstan and learn about their birth country.   The desire for their children to be healthy, well-rounded and joyful was abundantly evident in all. 

There were also stories of their child’s struggles to overcome past traumas and the surprise they had when learning about issues they had no clue about previously.  I was encouraged to hear each parent’s determination to find the resources needed to help their children be the best they can be no matter what.    They could laugh at the struggles, at themselves and at things they had never thought funny before.  There was a comfort each family felt being surrounded by people who didn’t react or look strangely when a child had a melt down because they were in a new place, out of routine and over stimulated.  It was accepted that these precious children fight a battle against terrors and traumas most could never imagine.  The lack of a loving parent during those first critical years of life has left scars that may not be seen by the eye but are present nevertheless.  Only in a loving, caring environment will these children learn to overcome what they weren’t given at the beginning of their lives.  Each of the children at Kazapalooza now have parents who are dedicated to loving and nurturing them.  What joy that was to see!  Families came from as far away as Texas, Virginia, and Canada. 

The desire of my heart is see the children on the J127 ranch thriving and learning to overcome the traumas in their lives as they build a future and become contributing members of the society they will live in.  J127 Ranch will be a place for each child to engage with others and in that process be enriched and empowered to become all he or she was created to be. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey.
Victoria on behalf J127 Ranch Team