I have to laugh at how my life has turned upside down in so many ways. This Epic Journey is beyond any dreams I had, and yet incorporates so many deep desires built into my heart by my Creator.
It is hard to believe now, but I am a home body by nature. I like to be “home”. Yet, I find myself being a nomad. I stepped out of the boat a while ago. I continue to live outside my comfort zone and have to daily lean not on my own strength and understanding but live by faith. Last week I again stepped out on faith and boarded a United flight to Austin, Texas. The Paul and Sue Barber family so graciously opened their home and family to me. I had “met” them on the internet through our common bond of the orphans of Taraz. They adopted a precious boy from Taraz in 2006 (a couple of years before I moved over full-time). Their hearts remember those children left behind and long to be part of J127 Ranch to give these children an opportunity to build productive lives as part of their community.
I love to share about the children in Kazakhstan. I also love to see how lives are being woven together in order to accomplish this vision. Two different nights they invited friends and family over to hear about J127 Ranch. My heart was touched by the questions and interest in the children and J127 Ranch. Then my heart was totally blown away when the Barber’s 16-year-old daughter shared she wanted to regularly support from her earnings from her part-time job. WOW. There is no gift to small or to large but my heart was deeply touched by her gift. We now have a 13-year-old and a 16-year-old giving a percentage of what they make to J127 Ranch- to children half way around the world. With each gift I am humbled to be part of something so much bigger than me. This is a community but it takes individuals to step forth and join for the community to work.
On Monday Sue, two of her children and I drove to Austin to meet Katherine K, her three children – one from Kazakhstan and a friend of Katherine and her two children. Katherine and her family had recently moved to Texas. It was great to see her children especially her son from Kazakhstan. I love seeing former orphans thriving in their families. He and Josh are about the same age. The food at the cafe was good but the connections were the dessert. Our shared hearts for orphan children and how to help them over come their difficult beginnings, enabling them to have bright futures, wove our hearts together.
Then, to top the whole trip off, I got to spend time with my sweet step-sister Elizabeth and her family. It had been quite a long time since I had seen them. I was not expecting to be so blessed by Todd, Elizabeth and their sweet family. The time was way to short but ever so sweet with an aroma I will not soon forget.
On Tuesday, Elizabeth took me to the airport and as I woke that morning I remembered back to the previous Thursday. I had woken with fear trying to grip my heart and now my heart bubbled over with great joy and so many blessings from my time in Texas. J127 Ranch had new supporters but more important the community, who feel the call to be part of caring for the precious children in Kazakhstan, had grown and my heart had been deeply touched.
The community of those who are called to care for orphan children in Kazakhstan is growing and I’m blessed to be a part of it.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance dear friends.
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